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Time to think about your 2025 resolutions!

The start of a new year is a great opportunity to take a step back, celebrate our successes and redefine our goals for the year ahead. Why not make some quick and easy resolutions for 2025? Here are a few ideas to inspire you.


Make your consent to organ and tissue donation official

Each donation may save up to 8 lives and help restore the health of 20 others. There are 2 ways to give RAMQ your consent to organ and tissue donation:

  • By entering your consent in the Registre des consentements au don d’organes et de tissus: Your registration will be confidential and valid for life. This way, your consent will be official and in keeping with your wishes when you die.
  • By affixing a sticker on the back of your Health Insurance Card: When we mail you your new Health Insurance Card, you will also get a sticker. Sign it and affix it on the back of your card to give your consent. If you did not sign the Registre, you will have to repeat this every time you renew your card for your consent to remain valid. Alternatively, you may order the sticker online.

Remember to notify your family to make sure that it respects your choice.


Issue your directives in case of incapacity

You can decide in advance what kind of medical care you agree or refuse to have at the end of your life. We rarely think about this very important subject. Why not take a closer look at it in 2025.

Your directives, entered on a form, will be filed in a register entitled Registre des directives médicales anticipées. Health professionals are obliged to comply with your directives if your health condition renders you incapable of consenting to health care.


Replace your Health Insurance Card if it is lost or stolen

Have you been looking for your Health Insurance Card for weeks? Take matters into your own hands at the start of the new year and request the replacement of your card online!


Make sure you have the right prescription drug insurance coverage

Everyone who has taken up residence permanently in Québec must have prescription drug coverage at all times. Two types of plans provide this:

  1. The public plan administered by RAMQ
  2. Private plans (group insurance plans and employee benefit plans)

You must join a private insurance plan if you qualify.

Having trouble finding your way around? We can guide you.

Happy and healthy new year 2025!

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