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Use of RAMQ brands and copyrights

If you wish to use an image of the Québec Health Insurance Card on a poster, a website or other type of communication tool, you must first obtain authorization from us.

Use of RAMQ brands

The image of Québec Health Insurance Card is a registered official mark, as are the expressions "RAMQ" and "Carte soleil". This means that unauthorized use is prohibited under the Trade-marks Act.

To apply for permission to use one or more RAMQ brands, complete the form Application for Authorization to Use Official RAMQ Brands and send it to the address provided on the form.

Official marks held by RAMQ

  • Ambulacarte (term)
  • Carnet santé Québec (term)
  • Carte santé (image of and term)
  • Carte soleil (image of and term)
  • Fleur de lys (image of)
  • Médicarte (term)
  • Pharmacarte (term)
  • RAMQ (term)
  • RVSQ et Rendez-vous santé Québec (terms)


For any request concerning copyrights, please visit the page Copyright and request for authorization on Qué website.

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